REC operational status (updated July 19, 2024 2:10 PM EDT) - Normal operations expected for the week of July 21, 2024.
Information on A10 Service Class - Upgrade/Impact Search Tool

LPFM Advisory Letter #9 (Fourth Update, 08/03/2023) – EAS National Periodic Test

Original version – 05/05/2021 / Updated 06/11/2021 / Second update 07/07/2021 / Third update 06/08/2022 / Fourth update 08/03/2023

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has announced that there will be a National Periodic Test (NPT) of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) in 2023.

The test is scheduled for October 4, 2023 at 2:20 PM EDT.  The backup date is October 11, 2023 at 2:20 PM EDT.  The backup date is only used if there is a major event or any other reason why the October 4 date can’t be used.

LPFM Filing Window: Updated Conflict of Interest Policy for new window filers & existing LPFM stations

Effective July 22, 2023

In this announcement, we are updating our Third Generation Filing Window Conflict Of Interest (COI) policy to address the current trends of the Show of Interest requests that we are receiving.  In addition, we need to clarify how the concept of how COI would apply to existing broadcast stations seeking services from REC Networks.  The general objective of a COI policy is to assure that REC will not put two LPFM applicants into a situation where they will be competing against each other in the window.

FCCdata: Preparing for AM radio to migrate to LMS

Updated July 22, 2023 - 06:00 AM ET

Starting on July 26, 2023, the FCC will be launching new forms in the Licensing Management System (LMS) to support engineering applications for AM radio.  In late June, the FCC created several new tables in LMS raw data and did a transition project to convert Centralized Database System (CDBS) data to the LMS structure. 

[Updated 8/17/23] Statement of REC Networks regarding Greenville, South Carolina (WMXP-LP & WLTE(FM))

Updated August 17, 2023

RM-11952: Translator Reform petition up for comment at the FCC.

In 2003, the FCC unknowingly caused the Great Translator Invasion.  In this window, over 13,000 applications were filed for new FM translators in the Auction 83 filing window, of which, almost one-third of the applications were filed by two commonly owned entities.  What would entail afterwards was the loss of many opportunities for new LPFM stations, a place in federal legislation, massive permit trafficking and one of the biggest government handouts ever for an auction that only raised $574,711 to the US Treasury.  

LPFM: Changes in policies and rules since the 2013 filing window

The last LPFM filing window was in 2013, nearly 10 years ago.  This was a window that included applicants who were encouraged to partake in the changes made to the service as a result of the Local Community Radio Act of 2010.  The LCRA's lifting of the third-adjacent channel protection requirement opened up many opportunities, especially in suburban and urban areas.  The window resulted in many success stories and some drama. 

FCC announces dates for next LPFM filing window.

In a short Public Notice, the Federal Communications Commission has announced the dates for the next filing window for new Low Power FM (LPFM) broadcast stations.  

The filing window will open at 12:01 AM EDT on Wednesday, November 1, 2023 and will close at 6:00 PM EDT on November 8, 2023

This will be the first Public Notice released by the FCC on this. 

REC launches new FCC Enforcement Action Database

REC Networks has launched a new database and supporting web application that provides information on actions taken by Enforcement, Media and other bureaus within the FCC. This data will be used to track forfeitures (fines), which we refer to on The Podcast as "dingers".  It will also track enforcement activity that does not involve any kind of a forfeiture.  

The "Dingers Database" will track the following types of FCC documents:


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