REC operational status (updated July 19, 2024 2:10 PM EDT) - Normal operations expected for the week of July 21, 2024.
Information on A10 Service Class - Upgrade/Impact Search Tool

More Release Notes

We have completed our CDBS broadcast database application upgrades for now.

- The curves program that is accessible from the Channel Report now uses Google Maps. This allows for circles that look like real circles and not 360 dots drawn in a circle.
- Zooming up on maps in the looks much more defined than before.
- Each station/facility is represented by a different color on the map. A legend will appear at the bottom of the map to show which color is associated with each facility.
- An option has been added from the Channel Search that allows you to show the curves in black instead of the multi color. This allows for easier printing however you lose the ability to see which curve belongs to which facility.

Broadcast Query - Major Release

REC Networks has made a major release of the Broadcast Query Tool (FMQ). The new version has significant improvements in the mapping functionality. Based on how the mapping functionality works, we may use look at expanding it into our other tools.

Summary of changes:
- A majority of the mapping has been moved from the US Census Bureau's TIGER service to Google Maps Open API. We note that the Census Bureau's TIGER system has been extremely unreliable, especially during the week.
- The Google maps give us much more detail on street names and locations than the Census Bureau did.
- You still have the ability to zoom (and unlike the Census maps, you will see street name details at the wider zooms).
- You can now pan within the window.

TV Channel 6: Second round of Channel Elections

REC has had a chance to review the applications that were filed in the second round of the Digital TV (DTV) Channel Elections. The Channel Election is an FCC process in the transition to DTV where stations, many of which were given a second "transition" channel are asked which channel they would like to have their final operations on at the conclusion of the transition to digital. REC has an interest in the Channel 6 aspect of the Channel Election as many have proposed the reallocation of the TV Channel 6 spectrum (82-88 MHz) from television broadcasting to lower power primary non-commercial stations as well as a (potentially primary) low power broadcast service in this spectrum. In the second round, WEDY in New Haven, CT who had Channel 6 as a transition channel has elected to stay on 6.

LPAM: re: William C Walker's reply comments

In his reply comments, William C Walker gives the impression that REC is trying to do away with Part 15.

''In addition, REC Networks wish that the Commission should not take into Part 15 AM broadcasters into consideration is foolish. Displacing these legal unlicensed broadcasters is likely to anger many and lead to a greater problem with pirate activity on the FM band. Part 15 AM is an honest outlet for people bitten by the broadcasting bug but don't have the financial means or otherwise to build or buy a licensed radio station. Please do not do anything to take Part 15 AM away from these people or hamper their ability to broadcast.''

REC Collecting Part 15 AM Station Data

REC Networks has announced today that it is collecting information about existing "Part 15 AM" operations. Specifically, REC is requesting the operators of Part 15 AM stations to volunteer some information to REC which will be included in a database.

REC to drop Anime Hardcore Radio.. Focus on Hardcore J

REC Networks has announced that effective December 1, 2005, the long running broadcast Anime Hardcore Radio on Live365 will no longer be financially supported. REC will continue to support Hardcore J, the number one Japanese language music service on Live365 and the highlighted Japanese station on ROCK.COM. AHR will continue to be available for Live365 VIP members but the station will not be updated. AHR originally started as a spinoff of REC's former operation POWERPUFF-FM as POWERPUFF-Hardcore, a broadband version of the cartoon music station that played more longer anime songs.

REC on Newsline - well sort of...

Well, sounds like Amateur Radio Newsline had a story this week about REC. I seriously question if they did any research on the issue and on REC Networks. Even though I have a ham license, REC Networks is not an amateur radio organization. REC Networks cares about issues that assures private citizens access to the airwaves. Even though most of our focus is on broadcast radio (mostly LPFM) but we do comment on other spectrum issues, such as amateur radio.

First of all, this is an EXTREMELY OLD story. REC filed our amicus filing and did a news release and a podcast to report this filing back in June (remember, this is currently late September).

REC proposes LPFM protections - updates LPFM Tool

The REC LPFM Channel Search Tool has been upgraded with some new functionality. This new functionality placed in the system as a result of the FCC's latest Notice for Proposed Rulemaking allows you to perform various scenarios in relation to protection to translators. Feel free to give it a try.

There is button the search tool that allows you to automatically select all of the parameters that are being considered by REC in comments in 99-25. Under REC's current proposal, we are looking at the following changes:


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