PreSonus Studio One 5 Is Updated
PreSonus has released Studio One 5 Professional V5.2, marking the second feature update to its long-running DAW. The new edition adds more than 30 new features and improvements.
Studio One 5.2’s new Sound Variations is intended for use corralling complex virtual instruments and orchestral libraries. Central to it is a mapping editor that provides tools for managing complex articulation maps. According to PreSonus, each Sound Variation can be customized with its own name and color, and can be dragged-and-dropped in any order and placed into custom folders. Sound Variations can be triggered by key switches, as well as from remote commands, including hardware controllers, keyboard shortcuts, custom macros and more.
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All Synchron-enabled Vienna Symphonic Instruments, as well as instruments from UJAM fully support dynamic Sound Variations mapping with Studio One, and a new API allows third-party developers to enable their VST2 and VST3 instruments’ articulations to be queried by Studio One so that Sound Variation maps are automatically generated.
The Score View has been updated with the addition of drum notation and tablature. Users can choose between viewing standard notation with tablature or select tablature only to print lead sheets and more. A new drum map interface lets users add both the drum and note names to a corresponding notated pitch. A General MIDI map is included for quick setup. New symbols in the Score View allow open/closed/half-open techniques to be added as well. A new Voices icon allows up to four voices per staff to be created.
For performers, the relatively new Show Page has gained a new feature — the Arranger Track — letting users experiment on the fly with new arrangements. Each Arranger section in every Setlist item has five playback mode options: Continue, Stop at End, Skip, Loop, or Loop and Continue; the latter can repeat any section for a specific number of times before playback continues to the next Arranger Section, aiding impromptu extended solos and breakdowns on stage. The new Arranger Track also supports patch changes mid-song.
Version 5.2 adds a number of other features, including the ability to create multiple clip versions, allowing the user to apply clip-based edits in Gain Envelopes or Melodyne independently to Events sharing the same audio; a new “Smart” tool for editing Note Events in the Piano Roll editor; and deeper integration with both ATOM SQ and FaderPort-series controllers. PreSonus Sphere workspaces are also now available directly from the Studio One Browser for bidirectional file transfer. And Studio One is now officially supported for Apple Silicon ARM processors in Rosetta 2 compatibility mode.
Studio One 5.2 is a free update to all registered Studio One 5 customers and is available free to PreSonus Sphere members.
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