Windows and Auctions since 2000.

The windows and auctions since 2000:
2000/2001 ~ LPFM (there were actually 4 windows divided by state)
2002 ~ Auction 32: New AM broadcast stations (3 licenses in Nevada from previous AM window)
2003 ~ Auction 54: Closed broadcast (4 FM permits, 1 TV, 2 LPTV)
2003 ~ Auction 83: FM translators (the great translator invasion)
2004 ~ Auction 37: Commercial FM broadcast (258 of 288 permits)
2006 ~ Auction 62: Commercial FM broadcast (163 of 171 permits)
2007 ~ Auction 68: Commercial FM broadcast (9 of 9 permits)
2007 ~ Reserved band NCE
2007 ~ Auction 70: Commercial FM broadcast (111 of 120 permits)
2009 ~ Auction 79: Commercial FM broadcast (85 of 122 permits)
2010 ~ Non-reserved band NCE (non-commercial stations on channels reserved in specific communities in the 92~108 band, very complicated to explain)
2010 ~ Auction 88: Closed Broadcast (11 FM, 1 translator, 1 AM)
2011 ~ Auction 91: Commercial FM broadcast (108 of 144 permits)
2012 ~ Auction 93: Commercial FM broadcast (93 of 119 permits)
2013 ~ Auction 94: Commercial FM broadcast (93 of 112 permits)
2013 ~ LPFM (post LCRA)
2014 ~ Auction 84: Closed AM broadcast (10 of 22 permits)
2015 ~ Auction 98: Commercial FM broadcast (102 of 131 permits)
2016 ~ "250-mile move" opportunity (not a window, per se).. Allowed existing translators to be moved up to 250 miles in order for it to be used for an AM station. Class D and C AM stations had a head start.
2017 ~ Auction 99: FM translators for licensees of Class D or C AM stations that did not participate in the 250 mile move opportunity.
2018 ~ Auction 100: FM translators for licensees of any class of AM station that did not participate in either the 250 mile move opportunity or Auction 99.
2021 ~ Reserved band NCE
2023 ~ LPFM