About Map Quotas

On July 16, 2018, Google converted to a "pay-as-you-go" pricing structure for the Google Maps API.  In the past, maps were free of charge as long as you maintained certain rate limits that REC tools were easily able to achieve.  With the new structure, we now have specific limits on the number of maps that we can serve via our websites.  

REC chooses to use Google Maps as our primary choice due to the design of the maps and their familiarity with our users.

When accessing a map that is served by REC Networks, you may receive one of three messages instead of a map:

Google Map Quota Exceeded

REC allows each Class D IP address (example: a specific limit on the number of inquiries within a rolling 24 hour period.  In addition, the Class C version of that IP address (example: 11.22.33.XX) will also have a specific limit on the number of inquiries within a rolling 24 hour period.  If you reach this message, it's likely because you looked at a lot of pages on sites like FCCdata.org.  To resume seeing the maps, please wait until after its been at least 24 hours since you started viewing maps on FCCdata.org.  As time goes by, the older inquiries will roll off.  Once the counts from the past 24 hours are within the thresholds, you will be able to view maps again. 

We are constantly evaluating blocked attempts against our actual usage that would apply to our free limit.  We may adjust the map quota at any time based on our evaluation of the data.

Maps Access Blocked

This message will appear the class C or D IP address has been detected making a massively large number of inquiries.  In most cases, these are rogue search engine spiders that do not respect the robots.txt file.  

This message may come up if you use a proxy server or "anonymizer" service that uses one or a small number of different IP addresses in order to conceal your actual public IP address.  It may come from a larger institution with multiple persons using the tools. If you receive this message and you are using an anonymizer or proxy server, please discontinue the use of those services and access the website directly.

If you receive this message and you are an individual user, please use the Contact REC form and provide us with your public IP address and the reason you are accessing our tools so many times.  We will evaluate the situation and determine if the use will be permitted and if so, what quotas would apply.

To get your public IP address, visit this site: http://www.myipaddress.com/what-is-my-ip-address/

Direct Inquiries Prohibited

The specific web pages that point directly to the REC generated Google maps are intended solely for use in direct relation with an REC property (such as FCCdata.org and denpahoso.com).  They are not intended for use by other sites or for direct access.  If you receive this message, than either you are attempting to access a map directly (commonly identified by visiting a URL that begins with https://fccdata.org/goo_****.php) or you are visiting a website that is not authorized to use REC mapping properties.  Maps may only be viewed on identified websites actually operated by or otherwise specifically authorized by REC Networks.

REC is dedicated to providing a service experience that assures that the mapping that you have come to expect from REC tools remains in place despite changes by Google.  By imposing these quotas, we are protecting the availability of the overall system at no charge to the end user. 

Thank you for understanding our position in this matter.