LP-250 Check

7-18-2024 10:35AM: Data in this tool has been updated to reflect licensed LPFM facilities and granted 2023 Window LPFM construction permits as of close of business on July 16, 2024.

Use this tool to check to see if a certain LPFM station may be able to upgrade to LP-250 if the FCC adopts REC's Simple250 petition for rulemaking, RM-11909.

The database includes all active LPFM stations from the first (2000~2001) and second (2013) generation LPFM filing windows. LPFM construction permits from the third (2023) generation filing window may be included if they have already been granted. This report is updated as of July 16, 2024 and will be updated again after the FCC takes action on groups of 2023 mutually exclusive applications or after there has been any other significant spectrum changes.

Existing stations, use your call sign. If this is a recent 2023 Construction Permit grant, any call sign assigned may not be in here yet. If your call sign does not work, use the Facility ID (6 digit number beginning with 7).

This is preliminary check only. LP-250 is not yet available for stations. This is part of something that REC has petitioned to the FCC to allow on a nationwide basis. Thank you for your interest and understanding.

For more information about LP250 and RM-11909, visit https://recnet.com/LP250.

To check for LP-250 potential availability, enter the LPFM station's call sign or Facility ID:

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