8 years 6 months ago
In this Memorandum Opinion and Order, the Commission denies the application for review of the Media Bureau's dismissal of a petition for reconsideration of decisions that allotted VHF television channel 5 to Seaford, Delaware. The Media Bureau had dismissed the petition for reconsideration challenging the Seaford allotment because it was untimely filed and the Commission concludes that there is no basis to waive the statutory deadline for the filing of petitions for reconsideration.
Federal Communications Commission
8 years 6 months ago
In this document, the Federal Communications Commission (Commission) seeks comment on proposed amendments regarding technical standards applicable to data communications that may be transmitted in the Amateur Radio Service. Specifically, we propose to remove limitations on the symbol rate (also known as the baud rate) applicable to data emissions in certain amateur bands. We believe that this rule change will allow amateur service licensees to use modern digital emissions, thereby better fulfilling the purposes of the amateur service and enhancing its usefulness.
Federal Communications Commission
8 years 7 months ago
In this document, the Federal Communications Commission addresses eight petitions for reconsideration on certain rules adopted in the Report and Order (Report and Order) in this proceeding governing the Citizens Broadband Radio Service in the 3.5 GHz band. The Commission also finalizes the regulatory scheme established in the Report and Order to make this spectrum available for wireless broadband through dynamic sharing among three tiers of users.
Federal Communications Commission
8 years 7 months ago
A petition for rulemaking was filed by Sunbelt-South Tele- Communications, Ltd. (Sunbelt), the licensee of WSST-TV, channel 51, Cordele, Georgia, requesting the substitution of channel 22 for channel 51 at Cordele. Sunbelt filed comments reaffirming its interest in the proposed channel substitution and stating that if the proposal is granted, it will promptly file an application for the facilities specified in the rulemaking petition and construct the station. Sunbelt asserts that adopting the proposal would serve the public interest because it would remove any potential interference with authorized wireless operations in the Lower 700 MHz A Block adjacent to channel 51 in Cordele. In addition, Sunbelt agrees that WSST-TV will be protected in the incentive auction at its channel 51 operating parameters even after its move to channel 22, and recognizes that as a result of repacking during the incentive auction, it may be required to move from channel 22.
Federal Communications Commission
8 years 7 months ago
A petition for rulemaking was filed by America 51, L.P. (America 51), the licensee of KPPX-TV, channel 51, Tolleson, Arizona, requesting the substitution of channel 31 for channel 51 at Tolleson. America 51 filed comments reaffirming its interest in the proposed channel substitution and stated that if the proposal is granted, it will promptly file an application for the facilities specified in the rulemaking petition and construct the station. America 51 asserts that adopting the proposed channel substitution would serve the public interest because it would remove any potential interference with authorized wireless operations in the Lower 700 MHz A Block adjacent to channel 51 in the Phoenix, Arizona market. In addition, America 51 agrees that KPPX-TV will be protected in the incentive auction at its channel 51 operating parameters even after its move to channel 31, and recognizes that as a result of repacking during the incentive auction, it may be required to move from channel 31.
Federal Communications Commission
8 years 8 months ago
At the request of Sunnylands Broadcasting, LLC, the Audio Division amends the FM Table of Allotments, by allotting Channel 300A at Raymond, Washington, as the community's second local service. A staff engineering analysis indicates Channel 300A can be allotted to Raymond consistent with the minimum distance separation requirements of the Commission's rules with a site restriction located 4.7 kilometers (3.0 miles) southwest of the community. The reference coordinates are 46-38-49 NL and 123-45-11 WL.
Federal Communications Commission
8 years 8 months ago
At the request of Charles Crawford, the Audio Division amends the FM Table of Allotments, by allotting Channel 247A at Bogata, Texas and Channel 295A at Wright City, Oklahoma. A staff engineering analysis indicates that FM Channel 247A can be allotted at Bogata, Texas at the following reference coordinates: 33-33-21 NL and 95-18-28 WL. FM Channel 295A can be allotted at Wright City, Oklahoma, at the following reference coordinates: 34-04-44 NL and 94-51-15 WL.
Federal Communications Commission
8 years 8 months ago
This document requests comments on a Petition for Rule Making filed by Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe, proposing to amend the FM Table of Allotments, section 73.202(b) of the Commission's Rules, by allotting Channel 228C1 at Eagle Butte, South Dakota, as the first local Tribal- owned service. A staff engineering analysis indicates that Channel 228C1 can be allotted to Eagle Butte consistent with the minimum distance separation requirements of the Commission's rules with no site restriction. The reference coordinates are 45-01-32 NL and 101-14-22 WL.
Federal Communications Commission
8 years 8 months ago
At the request of the petitioner, Katherine Pyeatt, this Report and Order dismisses the proposed allotment of FM Channel 286A at Grant, Oklahoma, File No. BNPH-20141029ACJ, and terminates the proceeding. It also dismisses, as requested by Southeast Oklahoma Radio LLC (SOR), the SOR counterproposal for station KTMC-FM, McAlester, Oklahoma, File No. BPH-20150831ABE. Furthermore, the Report and Order grants the proposed upgraded facility filed by Liberman Broadcasting of Dallas LLC (Liberman) for Station KZMP-FM, Channel 285C0, Pilot Point, Texas, File No. BPH-20141028AAK and approves the Liberman-Pyeatt Reimbursement Agreement.
Federal Communications Commission
8 years 8 months ago
In this document, the Federal Communications Commission (Commission) announces that the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has approved, for a period of three years, certain information collection requirements associated with the Commission's Low Power Television Digital Rules Report and Order, FCC 15-175. This document is consistent with the Low Power Television Digital Rules Report and Order, which stated that the Commission would publish a document in the Federal Register announcing OMB approval and the effective date of the rule.
Federal Communications Commission
8 years 8 months ago
In this document, the Federal Communications Commission (Commission) proposes to eliminate two public inspection file requirements--the requirement that commercial broadcast stations retain in their public inspection file copies of letters and emails from the public and the requirement that cable operators maintain for public inspection the designation and location of the cable system's principal headend. Because of potential privacy concerns associated with putting the correspondence file online and because many cable operators prefer not to post online the location of their principal headend for security reasons, removing these requirements would enable commercial broadcasters and cable operators to make their entire public inspection file available online and obviate also maintaining a local public file. Eliminating these public file requirements thus would reduce the regulatory burdens on commercial broadcasters and cable operators.
Federal Communications Commission
8 years 9 months ago
At the request of Gray Television License, LLC, licensee of station KDUH-TV, Channel 7, Scottsbluff, Nebraska, and New Rushmore Radio, Inc., former licensee of KDUH-TV (collectively, Petitioners), the Commission has before it an unopposed Notice of Proposed Rulemaking seeking to amend the Post-Transition Table of DTV Allotments to delete channel 7 at Scottsbluff, Nebraska and to substitute channel 7 at Sidney, Nebraska. Petitioners further request modification of KDUH-TV's license to specify Sidney as the station's community of license. Petitioners assert that their proposal to reallot channel 7 to Sidney is based on the technical specifications currently authorized for KDUH- TV and, therefore, the new allotment will be mutually exclusive with the station's existing allotment. Petitioners further state that their proposal would meet the Commission's allotment priorities by providing Sidney with its first local television service. and that Scottsbluff would remain well-served after the proposed reallotment because full- power television station KSTF(TV), channel 29, would remain licensed to that community.
Federal Communications Commission
8 years 9 months ago
In this document, the Commission announces that the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has approved, for a period of three years, the information collection associated with the Commission's Report and Order, Expansion of Online Public File Obligations To Cable and Satellite TV Operators and Broadcast and Satellite Radio Licensees. This document is consistent with the Report and Order, which stated that the Commission would publish a document in the Federal Register announcing OMB approval and the effective date of the rules.
Federal Communications Commission
8 years 9 months ago
Petitions for Reconsideration (Petitions) have been filed in the Commission's rulemaking proceeding by: Lawrence M. Miller, on behalf of Public Broadcasting Parties, Sylvia Strobel, on behalf of American Public Media Group, Todd D. Gray, on behalf of NCE Licensees and Joseph B. Porter, on behalf of The State University of New York.
Federal Communications Commission
8 years 10 months ago
The Commission has before it a petition for rulemaking filed by America 51, L.P. (America 51), the licensee of KPPX-TV, channel 51, Tolleson, Arizona, requesting the substitution of channel 31 for channel 51 at Tolleson. While the Commission instituted a freeze on the acceptance of full power television rulemaking petitions requesting channel substitutions in May 2011, it subsequently announced that it would lift the freeze to accept such petitions for rulemaking seeking to relocate from channel 51 pursuant to a voluntary relocation agreement with Lower 700 MHz A Block licensees. America 51 has entered into such a voluntary relocation agreement with T-Mobile and states that operation on channel 31 would remove any potential interference with authorized wireless operations in the Lower 700 MHZ A Block adjacent to channel 51 in the Phoenix, Arizona market, permitting those operations to expand to additional consumers sooner than would otherwise be possible.
Federal Communications Commission
8 years 10 months ago
The Commission has before it a petition for rulemaking filed by Sunbelt-South TeleCommunications, Ltd. (Sunbelt), the licensee of WSST-TV, channel 51, Cordele, Georgia, requesting the substitution of channel 22 for channel 51 at Cordele. While the Commission instituted a freeze on the acceptance of full power television rulemaking petitions requesting channel substitutions in May 2011, it subsequently announced that it would lift the freeze to accept such petitions for rulemaking seeking to relocate from channel 51 pursuant to a voluntary relocation agreement with Lower 700 MHz A Block licensees. Sunbelt has entered into such a voluntary relocation agreement with T-Mobile USA, Inc. and states that operation on channel 22 would remove any potential interference with authorized wireless operations in the Lower 700 MHZ A Block adjacent to channel 51.
Federal Communications Commission
8 years 10 months ago
In this document, the Commission acknowledges the publication of ANSI C63.26-2015 "American National Standard for Compliance Testing of Transmitters Used in Licensed Radio Services" and seeks comment on incorporating it into the Commission's rules by reference as part of an open rulemaking proceeding that addresses its equipment authorization (EA) rules and procedures. The standard was recently published and is now an "active standard"--that is, the standards association considers it to be valid, current, and approved.
Federal Communications Commission
8 years 10 months ago
This document proposes to amend the FM Table of Allotments by allotting Channel 300A at Raymond, Washington, as the community's second or third local service. After the filing of the petition, a change of community application was filed for Station KBSG(FM) from Westport, Washington, to Raymond, Washington. Therefore, if the application is granted prior to the issuance of the Report and Order in this proceeding, Channel 300A would be a third local service at Raymond, if allotted. A staff engineering analysis indicates that Channel 300A can be allotted to Raymond consistent with the minimum distance separation requirements of the Commission's Rules with a site restriction 4.7 kilometers (3.0 miles) southwest of the community. The reference coordinates are 46-38-49 NL and 123-45-11 WL.
Federal Communications Commission
8 years 11 months ago
In this document, the Commission refines the collection of data reported on FCC Form 323, Ownership Report for Commercial Broadcast Stations, and FCC Form 323-E, Ownership Report for Noncommercial Broadcast Stations. Specifically, the Commission implements a Restricted Use FRN (RUFRN) within the Commission's Registration System (CORES) that individuals may use solely for the purpose of broadcast ownership report filings; eliminates the availability of the Special Use FRN (SUFRN) for broadcast station ownership reports, except in very limited circumstances; prescribes revisions to Form 323-E that conform reporting for noncommercial educational (NCE) broadcast stations more closely to those for commercial stations; and makes a number of significant changes to its reporting requirements that reduce the filing burdens on broadcasters, streamline the process, and improve data quality. These enhancements will enable the Commission to obtain data reflecting a more useful, accurate, and thorough assessment of minority and female broadcast station ownership in the United States while reducing certain filing burdens.
Federal Communications Commission
8 years 11 months ago
In this document, the Federal Communications Commission (Commission) announces that the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has approved, for a period of three years, certain information collection requirements associated with the Commission's Expanding the Economic and Innovation Opportunities of Spectrum Through Incentive Auctions Report and Order (Incentive Auction Report and Order), FCC 14- 50. This document is consistent with the Incentive Auction Report and Order, which stated that the Commission would publish a document in the Federal Register announcing OMB approval and the effective date of the new
Federal Communications Commission