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IBC Sneak Peek: 2wcom Introduces 4audio MPX Range

Radio World - Mon, 09/09/2019 - 02:00

2wcom says its FM/RDS and analog/digital MPX over IP product line is undergoing a “monumental change.” The German firm is replacing its C02 RDS encoder, S02 stereo generator and the analog/digital MPX over IP codecs FMC01 with the new 4audio MPX product series.

According to the company, the new software-oriented and Linux-based scalable 4audio MPX range lets operators configure the system according to specific requirements. The compact solution is housed in a 19-inch’ 1HU rack unit.

The new line let’s users, for example, combine the RDS encoder, stereo generator and an analog/digital MPX over IP codec into one device that is able to generate the MPX signal and encode or decode it 100% lossless for further distribution.

The solution also gives operators the option to select the modules depending on their needs. At transmitter sites users can easily add local RDS data to the MPX signal already assembled at broadcaster’s main studio.

An optionally available SAT receiver enables technical staff to receive the MPX signal via satellite if it’s more economical compared to operating IP or both sources in parallel for redundancy switching to the best signal available. In addition the 4audio MPX-d decoder can be equipped with a FM tuner module to monitor audio and RDS signals or to rebroadcast the received programs.

4audio MPX provides a variety of new software-activated features. The device is equipped with inputs for analog/digital MPX, analog audio, AES/EBU and AoIP. As a result, the stereo generator now also supports all common standards and protocols for AoIP streaming, control and status.

IBC Stand: 8.E78
Info: www.2wcom.com

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DRM Plans Workshop on Digital Radio Implementation

Radio World - Sun, 09/08/2019 - 18:00

Asian-based broadcasters who are considering a transition to digital radio will have the opportunity to receive an intensive course focusing on the subject at a workshop organized by the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union and the Digital Radio Mondiale Consortium.

The DRM Digital Radio Implementation and Rollout workshop will take place from Oct. 9–10 in Kuala Lampur, Malaysia.

The workshop is designed to give attendees an understanding of DRM digital radio services, its technology and features, planning methods, step-by-step implementation examples and the sharing of solutions and strategies for those looking to move from analog to digital radio.

Across the two days of the workshop, experts will share their knowledge and up-to-date information on the state of digital terrestrial radio broadcasting and some of the issues and challenges it faces.

[Read: U.S.-Based Shortwave Broadcasters Eye Digital]

ABU members can attend the workshop with no registration or participation fees; non-members must pay a fee of US$100. Special accommodation rates are available, though the number of rooms are limited.

The workshop will take place at the Holiday Inn Express Kuala Lampur City Centre.

For more information, or to register, visit www.abu.org.my/DRM.

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IBC Sneak Peek: Elber Showcases Latest Gear

Radio World - Sun, 09/08/2019 - 12:00

At IBC2019 Elber will showcase the Wayber II analog FM/digital (QPSK, 16-64QAM) microwave link, together with the state-of-the-art SIGNUM IRD.

Able to transport L+R, AES-EBU, MPX and SCA signals, the company says the Wayber II offers quality performance both in signal processing and microwave applications.

The front panel is fitted with a 3.5-inch TFT touchscreen, an Ethernet management port, a USB connector for customer authenti­cation and firmware upgrades, as well as LEDs for immediate information about equipment sta­tus.

The back panel hosts all I/O connectors for both baseband and RF signals. If inputs are left- and right-channel, the transmitter can also act as a stereo encoder, generating the MPX signal adding SCA sub­carriers or (optionally) creating RDS data through the UECP protocol over a RS-232 interface.

Elber’s Signum it is a compact and reliable IRD [Integrated Receiver Decoder] designed for the high-end Radio distribution market.

According to the company, the system demodulates one or two DVB-S/ S2 signals up to 32APSK (single/multi-stream), achieving 256 KS/s as minimum symbol rate. The TS demodulated signals can be aligned and configured in 1+1 switching for redundancy. Redundancy can also be achieved with external ASI and TSoIP inputs.

Signum supports MPEG-1 LI/II audio codec, providing analog and digital outputs. In addition, users can set a data PID to be decoded and passed to the internal RDS encoder, generating the dual MPX FM output.

Elber says the EDI interface means Signum is a suitable solution to feed transmitters in DAB/DAB+ environments. It also supports BISS 0/1/E descrambling.

IBC Stand: 8.D35

Information: www.elber.it

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IBC Exhibitor Viewpoint: Chris Crump, Comrex

Radio World - Sun, 09/08/2019 - 02:00

IBC2019 is almost here. Between now and then Radio World will conduct several short Q&As with manufacturers about their plans and offerings, to help you get the most out of the big annual trade show. Chris Crump is sales director for Comrex.

Radio World: How has business been for the company since last year’s IBC Show?

Chris Crump: Overall, business is steady. We had a very strong end to the calendar year but we haven’t seen the normal growth that we are used to seeing in the first half of the year. But we are feeling encouraged by recent activity leading into the fall sports season. 

RW: What are you hearing from your customers about their business outlook this year? In what areas should we expect growth or the most interesting projects?

Crump: I think everyone is very guarded with their purchasing decisions. And it seems to be the same across the board throughout the industry. We are seeing an uptick in podcast-related purchase, and smaller specialty studio builds. There are quite a few streaming and content delivery projects that are keeping us busy.

RW: Within the last year or so the two large station ownership groups have emerged from bankruptcy. Are you seeing any increase in equipment sales or interest? What is your feeling for the overall health of the radio industry?

Crump: Equipment sales are increasing as the result of ISDN services being discontinued or priced beyond reasonable. Based on the market trends we’ve observed, the radio portion of our business remains steady, but purchasing is guarded. It seems like a reaction to a predicted recession that may or may not happen. But radio, to us, seems healthy. Stations are billing and providing a great marketing partnership for their advertisers and using our gear to provide added value and NTR from remote broadcasts.

RW: You’ve been active in the equipment manufacturing market for years. What’s the biggest  problem or challenge facing manufacturers right now? Does the trade row between the United States and China greatly affect you?

Crump: Since we don’t manufacture or directly source from China, you would think that we would not be affected by the recent tariffs. But our component vendors have already applied tariff “fees” since they often source components that are subject to the trade war. While it does affect us, I can’t say it is affecting Comrex greatly. For the time being we can absorb some of these costs, but future tariff increases might have an effect on our product pricing. I really hope for all of our sakes that this is resolved soon.

RW: What new goodies will your company be showing? Why should attendees visit your stand?

Crump: We will be introducing our new Access NX Rack and Access MultiRack products to the European market. Both are AES67 compatible. NX Rack is a single full-duplex IP audio codec compatible with our family of Access and BRIC-Link codecs. Access MultiRack is five instances of Access in a 1RU 19-inch rack unit with AES67 I/O. We’ll have some of our other products on hand at 8.P45 in Pod section between Halls 7 and 8.

RW: Going by the interest on our website, AoIP technology is on the top of the list for product acquisition and upgrades. Is that something you are seeing and if so, how are you addressing that?

Crump: Well, our new Access NX Rack and MultiRack address that nicely by interfacing with AoIP routing and control systems that support the AES67 standard. Response from customers that have already installed our new units has been very enthusiastic, so we feel as though our timing for these new products is spot on.

RW: What do you anticipate will be the most significant technology trend at the 2019 IBC Show?

Crump: Virtualization and cloud-based services. It seems that the industry is being pushed (or pulled) in that direction.

RW: Will you be attending any sessions or looking forward to any events?

Crump: Once I’m on the stand, I’m on the stand. While I’d love to see some sessions, I’m at IBC to see Comrex dealers and customers. That’s my main priority.

RW: You’re a show veteran, how has the show changed since your first visit?

Crump: I’ve gotten really good at picking restaurants in Amsterdam. So, my show experience has gotten significantly better over the years as a result.

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IBC Sneak Peek: Wheatstone SwitchBlade Interface

Radio World - Sat, 09/07/2019 - 02:00

The multifaceted SwitchBlade IP device “includes audio codecs, SIP messaging and ACI [WheatNet-IP Application Control Interface] control interface. It is the first product of its kind to combine the power of AoIP logic control with SIP connectivity and codec bandwidth optimization to transport both high-quality programming and the control logic critical for full studio operation between sites,” according to Wheatstone.

The ACI allows for sending commands such as turning microphones on or adjusting EQ.

SwitchBlade has two Ethernet connections, one for connecting to a SIP service provider or SIP-enabled PBX phone system and the other for connecting directly into the WheatNet-IP audio network. SwitchBlade also has codecs, such as including 256 kbps stereo Opus and G.711.

Wheatstone says that uses for the SwitchBlade include: Consolidating program operations for several stations scattered across a region; live remote production, including high-quality programming and console/mic control between home studio and sports or concert venues; sharing program and operating control between sister studios over an IP link; one-to-many STL codecs between one studio and several transmitter sites; a SwitchBlade at the studio feeds two, four, six or more existing SIP-compliant codec units at each transmitter site; and transferring high-quality music between two facilities or from a cloud-based automation system over the common internet.

Wheatstone Sales Director Jay Tyler explained, “SwitchBlade is the missing link for connecting WheatNet-IP facility to WheatNet-IP facility from city to city or across the world. Not only will it carry the audio, it carries the control, which means you can send and receive router commands, automation control, and even fader levels across the two locations.” He added, “Switchblade finally makes it possible to monitor each point of the audio chain and switch audio locally from network operation centers around the world.”

IBC Stand: 8.C91

Info: www.wheatstone.com

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IBC Sneak Peek: Nautel Displays Latest MW, FM Transmitters

Radio World - Sat, 09/07/2019 - 02:00

Nautel will show a range of its medium wave and FM transmitters, including products from the NX, GV and VS lines.

The company will also host two special events. On Saturday, Sept. 14 from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. it will hold an interactive panel session on “DRM Implementation — A Solution For All Your Needs.”

On Sunday, Sept. 15 from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. Nautel will host “Digital Radio in North America & Emerging Markets,” presented by Xperi.

Both events will be followed by 50th Anniversary receptions.

IBC Stand: 8.C49

Info: www.nautel.com

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Media Bureau Announces Third Disclosure Deadline for United States-based Foreign Media Outlets

FCC Media Bureau News Items - Fri, 09/06/2019 - 21:00
The National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2019 amended the Communications Act of 1934 to require all U.S.-based foreign media outlets submit reports every 6 months to the Commission regarding the outlets' relations to their foreign principals


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FCC Media Bureau News Items - Fri, 09/06/2019 - 21:00

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FCC Media Bureau News Items - Fri, 09/06/2019 - 21:00

Amendment of section 73.202(b), FM Table of Allotments, FM Broadcast Stations. Various Locations)

FCC Media Bureau News Items - Fri, 09/06/2019 - 21:00
The Media Bureau reinstate certain vacant FM allotments

U Belong on YouTube!

Radio World - Fri, 09/06/2019 - 12:15

I once created a custom coffee product for a radio station.

It’s not as weird as it sounds. We wanted to promote an upcoming new morning show and one day while sipping my morning beverage, it occurred to me that a good cup of coffee delivers the attributes of a morning show. Both products wake people up, make them cheerful, have a distinct flavor, etc.

So I got our friendly neighborhood roaster to make me a good blend — which I then labeled with the name of our morning show — and sold our brand by the pound at his café. Next, through an advertising agency, I placed commercials on our direct competitor.

Then I called the press to let them know. That we were able to advertise on a direct competitor was big, somewhat scandalous news. Of course, now you can advertise every day on a direct competitor without the shenanigans, and you’ll have a lot more impact than even one high-school type of stunt.

Want to go where few stations do, but where your listeners entertain themselves every day? Advertise on YouTube!

While Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and others get all the press, Google’s YouTube has been taking over the planet. Oddly, some don’t even think of YouTube as a social channel even though it has all the community elements that enable engagement. If that doesn’t impress, perhaps this statement from Google will: “In an average month, 18+ year olds in the United States spend more time watching YouTube than any television network. On mobile alone, more 18- to 49-year-olds watch YouTube during prime time in the United States, than they do the top 10 prime-time shows combined. Over the last two years, the number of small and medium-sized businesses advertising on YouTube has doubled.”

Want to increase ratings? Find your target audience on YouTube.

Why, for the most part, is local radio missing in action? Too many station leaders/decision makers feel that outside advertising either isn’t needed for a broadcast radio station, or that it’s a luxury. It’s a bit ironic and even hypocritical that folks who rely on advertising sales themselves are willing to say that it’s not necessary. Now more than ever, radio needs reinforcement outside itself to show relevance.

While it takes substantial investment for radio commercials to be meaningful on broadcast television or cable, radio stations of any size can afford some level of YouTube video campaigns. I say this because of the amazing targeting and capability to cap bids of advertising. Target by age/gender/Zip code/household income and many shared traits, or by preferences that match your format. Plus, you can pick a channel (music, news, etc).

Cost per thousand depends on demand, so you’ll want to start with a small test. Ads could be as low as $0.05 to $0.25 each — and if you use “TrueView,” you pay only for ads watched. Ad formats include non-skippable, skippable in-stream ads, bumpers and many more. You can even sequence ads, meaning that each person sees a series of ads/promos you create in order.

(I am also a big believer in having a station channel on YouTube, and we’ll cover that in an upcoming article.)

You’ll be getting back a lot of key performance indicators (KPIs) on your campaign(s), so you’ll also be learning about your audience behavior as you proceed.

Your listeners may lie to their parents, wife, husband or kids … but they are not going to lie to their search engine. If you choose to find your target audience on YouTube by using their search behavior, you’ll be hitting a real sweet spot — and that is the absolute truth!

Mark Lapidus is a longtime contributor to Radio World. Email him with comments or your own promo successes at marklapidus1@gmail.com.

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IBC Sneak Peek: OPNS Offers SoundID

Radio World - Fri, 09/06/2019 - 02:00

Based on noise-resistant fingerprint comparison methods, SoundID from OPNS delivers content recognition that can generate broadcast playlists on any type of content, such as ad spots, music, jingles, fillers, interviews, and to produce related reports and statistics.

SoundID uses OPNS’ in-house algorithms and, according to the company, provides at least 99% recognition accuracy of fingerprinted source items inside broadcast streams.

The solution monitors and reports on any sound from radio, television, or any other input stream. It provides information on when and what was played, and can also tell the user if (and where) something was cut out of the original piece.

Available as either an on-premises tool or cloud-based solution, SoundID also provides content discovery by fingerprint pattern recurrences to detect any unknown content from competitor’s streams.

It also carries out audience measurement based on fingerprints dynamically generated on smartphones. This, the company says, means there is no privacy issue, no source modification, no dedicated hardware required and results in automatic data collection from a broad panel of radio listeners.

SoundID is based on a scale-out architecture and is suitable for both large and smaller broadcasters.

IBC Stand: 10.D41

Info: http://broadcast.opns.net 

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FCC Media Bureau News Items - Thu, 09/05/2019 - 22:00

San Tan Educational Media

FCC Media Bureau News Items - Thu, 09/05/2019 - 22:00
Entered into a Consent Decree to resolve pending matters concerning San Tan Educational Media (San Tan), licensee of low power FM (LPFM) Station KFXY-LP, Mesa, Arizona (Station)

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