LPFM Window Update

This page is a bulletin board from REC Networks to clients and potential clients of REC for the 2023 Third Generation LPFM Filing Window.  Please check this page occasionally for updates.  If you have any further questions, please let us know.

If you are wanting REC to help you with a new LPFM station, please visit https://lpfm.app to get started. 

9/12/2023 11:25 AM EDT UPDATES

We are currently handling potential applicants in various stages.  Please make sure that when you send email to REC, that you either reply to an email that we sent you or you at least include your 4-digit ticket number in the subject line.  That way your email is properly routed within REC.   Many delays in responses are caused by folks who are starting new emails to us instead of replying to one of the emails we sent you.  

Starting on September 8, we will be requiring all new sign-ups to the Show of Interest Form to already have their corporation status in order.  New Show of Interest forms first received on or after September 8 that do not have a valid corporation will be denied.  Time is running short before the window opens.  We are also only wanting serious requests going forward.  The advance payment for new Show of Interest forms received on or after September 8, will be $1000, the base rate in areas where there is at least one channel that does not require a second adjacent waiver or $1,100 in areas where all available channel(s) require a second-adjacent channel waiver.  This means once the advance payment is made, as long as there are no add ons (such as second-adjacent channel waivers), applicants will go all the way to Stage 5 without having to wait for a second invoice.  This is not a rate increase, just an adjustment to the timing of when payments are made.  This is more consistent with our operating policies for existing LPFM stations.  

Requests that are still unpaid by close of business in September 15 that do not have a corporate status will be cancelled.  Requests with corporate status that are still unpaid by close of business on September 29 will be cancelled.  If you want to continue, please reply to the previous email that we sent you and let us know you want to continue.

Requests still in Stage 1 - Fortunately, we do not have any right now.  Those who make their original advance payment now will have until September 29 to get your corporate status in good standing. 

Requests still in Stage 2 - Those who are still in Stage 2 (who have not proposed a transmitting site and provided site assurance information) by close of business on September 29 will be regarded as only wanting access to the portal to run channel searches.  We need to have everyone out of Stage 2 by September 29.   If you can't make this date but still want to move forward, you may submit your information, we will handle it on a space available basis and should include as much Stage 3 and Stage 4 information that you can provide.  See the Head Start letter we sent for details on what is in Stage 4.

Government requests (city, county and Tribal government agencies) - Purchase orders must be received by September 29.  Goverment clients are billed in full after the close of the window.  Government applicants should initiaiate their request by emailing lpfm@recnet.com.

New Status Code - Final Check - To assist in the efficiency of our operation, we have added a new status indicator that you may see in the Client Portal.  A request will go into "Final Check" after all Stage 1, 2, 3 and 4 items have been provided.  During Final Check, we start the exhibit building process which allows to do the full checks on all of the necessary items (such as whether a tower registration is required, whether the site is near an AM tower as well as fine tuning the second-adjacent channel waiver, if necessary).  If an issue is found during Final Check, we will notify you so the issue can be resolved.  Once the request passes Final Check, an invoice for any remaining balance will be sent (Hold for Payment status).  Once the remaining balance is fulfilled, then we move to Stage 5 which is the placement of the application into the FCC systems.  Once that is done, you will be provided with an email that includes a link to the draft application in the FCC's system.  That link will also be placed in the client portal.  You will also be given emergency instructions to complete the filing of the application in the event of a personal emergency on our end where we are unable to get the application filed by end of day on November 5.  

Limited availability between October 19~22 - Due to the Grassroots Radio Conference, we will have limited availability between October 19~22.  During this time, we may be able to monitor emails but we may not be able to access systems.  

Tentative cut off date for new Show of Interest requests - Based on current loads, we are estimating that we will cut off for new Show of Interest requests on close of business on September 29.  We will reexamine this as we get closer to that time and depending on the load, cut it off before or afterwards.  WE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTING ANY "LAST MINUTE" (i.e. late October) REQUESTS, PERIOD! 

Referring people to REC for LPFM filings - When referring others to REC, please send them to https://LPFM.app to get more information about LPFM and to start the REC process.  We are NOT accepting phone calls.  Emailed requests will be advised to use the portal.  The only exception are requests from the public sector such as city, county and tribal government agencies.

Conflicts of Interest - Once an application reaches Stage 5, we are blocking ALL new Show of Interest requests within 24 km of the protected client, regardless of whether there are channels available.  If you get a warning with your Show of Interest Form, you are filing that request at your own risk because unless we are able to negotiate a solution that will allow both applications to file without any conflicts either now or in the future during settlement periods, the first to pay in full is the one who will secure the area.  

Thank you for choosing REC!

edited 9-12-23 to change the advance payment for second-adjacent waiver only areas to $1,100 as that will cover a large majority of requests are in these areas.