HAAT Calculator & Elevation Finder

Calculate elevation and height above average terrain (HAAT) using the FCC's API.

NAD83 Latitude:
- ' " *

NAD83 Longitude:
- ' " *

Radiation Center Height:
meters   *

- Above Mean Sea Level (RCAMSL)
- Above Ground Level (RCAGL)

Number of Radials:

Terrain Database:

Legacy FCC30 terrain is not available through the FCC API. Use the FCC HAAT Calculator instead.

Station Class for ERP Check: (optional)

Decimal Coordinates:
Latitude: 59.669917
Longitude: -151.512778

Site Elevation:

Radiation Center Above Mean Sea Level (RCAMSL):
0 meters

Height Above Average Terrain:
0 meters, based on 8 radials.
(rounded from m)

HAAT Along Each Radial:

Azimuth HAAT