Official release of eLMS version 2 + other weekend fixes

REC Networks announces the full release of Enhanced Licensing Management System (eLMS) version 2.  Version 2 is a complete rewrite of the eLMS software.  eLMS is the internal REC system that reads broadcast applications and saves the information to our database.  Combined with our LMSbot software (which just upgraded to version 4 last week) provides the real-time information that normally updates REC websites such as and within 20 minutes of the application filing.  eLMS also addresses many of the shortcomings of the LMS raw data that is provided daily by the FCC by including various fields that are not included in the raw data version of the application.

In eLMS version 1, there were 8 different programs that ran for the different application types:

  • FM applications involving engineering (original construction permits, modifications of facilities, modifications of licenses and license to cover).
  • NCE FM original construction permits.
  • Assign License/Transfer of Control for FM, AM and TV.
  • Consummation notices for FM, AM and TV.
  • License renewal for FM, AM and TV.
  • Equal Opportunity Employment Reports for FM, AM and TV.
  • Ownership Reports for FM, AM and TV.
  • Administrative Updates for FM, AM and TV.

In eLMS version 1, if a change needed to made and it impacted more than one application type, we would have to make the change in each program. 

eLMS v2 streamlines the process by making each section of the FCC LMS application into it’s own sub-script.  Based on the application type, eLMS v2 only loads the subscripts that will be expected on the application.  Using this structure, a change in a certain part of the application only requires it to be changed in one place to apply to all application types that use that section.

eLMS v2 is also table driven and makes adding new application types fairly easy.  In addition to the order types already mentioned that were supported by eLMS v1, the following application types have been added into the eLMS v2 environment:

  • Annnual Ancillary/Supplemental Service Report for TV.
  • Change of Main Studio or Control Point for TV.
  • License cancellation for FM, AM and TV.
  • Extension of consummation for FM, AM and TV.
  • Tolling and extension of construction permit requests for TV.
  • Legal Special Temporary Authority (STA) for TV.
  • Reduced Power Notifications for FM and TV.
  • Request for Silent STAs for FM and TV.
  • Resumption of Operations for TV.
  • Silent STA Extensions for TV.
  • Suspension of Operations for FM and TV.
  • Application withdrawals for FM, AM (LMS applications) and TV.
  • Engineering STAs for FM.
  • Digital Notifications for FM and AM.
  • Primary Station Notification for FM Translators.

In future eLMS projects, we will be adding more application types including the long overdue integration of TV engineering applications into the eLMS environment. 

While eLMS is mainly a “behind the scenes” product, it is really the heart of what makes REC able to present application data to the public well before other sites such as Radio Locator can.

As with any new system, we expect bugs as some aspects of eLMS and its supporting infrastructure cannot be tested without a stream of live data coming in.

The expanded use of eLMS data also allows us to enhance our current public offerings and eventually introduce new offerings.  Currently, eLMS live data is used to power:

  • Filing Window Tracking System (
  • LPFM Renewal Status (

Last week, REC released LMSbot version 4.  LMSbot is the interface that seeks out application activity at the FCC and then logs the information.  LMSbot not only serves as the main system that is used to display application information in but it is also used to dispatch eLMS to get the application information for display on and our other systems.

More information about eLMS can be found at:

Other changelog items from the Memorial Day Weekend project:

Changed the application type codes in eLMS for Children’s Television Programming Reports from CPR and CPRA to CTR and CTRA.  This change was necessary because the “CP” as the first two letters of the type code were causing unnecessary interactions with existing systems looking for construction permit related type codes (CP, CPA, CPAW, CPE, CPEA, CPEW, etc.).

Ran various projects to help clean up the eLMS database due to parsing errors from the V1 environment.  V2 has enhanced parsing abilities and better trouble reporting to advise when the system was not able to properly parse name or address information.

Constructed new systems to support advocacy in MB Docket 03-185 to promote the expansion of the FM broadcast band into adjacent television spectrum in areas where no full-service television operates on the channel.   REC will make announcements on this at a future date.

Addressed some issues with the way that the REC data store was handling television applications including the display of inactive facilities, including the analog LPTV and TV translators that were discontinued in favor of digital TV.

REC will resume real time updates and daily downloads of raw data starting at or before 6PM EDT on Monday, May 30, 2022.


Monday, May 30, 2022
Systems affected:
REC Website Content
RealTime Updates
Issue type: 