24 years 4 months ago
This document consolidates and streamlines the Commission's Rules concerning the private land mobile radio services (PLMRS). Several licensing and operational requirements are modified or eliminated in order to reduce the regulatory burden on PLMR licensees and to promote greater flexibility and more efficient use of the private land mobile radio frequency spectrum.
Federal Communications Commission
24 years 6 months ago
On July 17, 2000 (65 FR 43995), the Commission published final rules in the Report and Order, which revised the rules governing the Wireless Medical Telemetry Service. This document contains correction to that rules.
Federal Communications Commission
24 years 7 months ago
This document allocates new spectrum and establishes rules for a Wireless Medical Telemetry Service (WMTS) that allows potentially life-critical equipment to operate on an interference-protected basis. Medical telemetry equipment is used in hospitals and health care facilities to transmit patient measurement data, such as pulse and respiration rates to a nearby receiver, permitting greater patient mobility and increased comfort. This action will increase the reliability of medical telemetry equipment.
Federal Communications Commission
25 years ago
This document revises the Amateur Radio Service rules to simplify the Amateur Radio Service operator license structure; streamlines the number of examination elements; and reduces the emphasis on telegraphy that underlies the current license structure to the greatest extent possible, consistent with the international radio regulations. This action will allow current Amateur Radio Service licensees to contribute more to the advancement of the radio art; reduce the administrative costs that the Commission incurs in regulating this service and streamline our licensing processes; eliminate unnecessary requirements that may discourage or limit individuals from becoming trained operators, technicians, and electronic experts; and promote efficient use of spectrum allocated to the Amateur Radio Service.
Federal Communications Commission
25 years 1 month ago
This document proposes to amend the Commission's rules to establish a new subpart H--Personal Locator Beacons under part 95 of the Commission's rules to permit the use of 406.025 MHz for PLBs. The action will provide individuals in remote areas a means to alert others of an emergency situation and help search and rescue (SAR) personnel locate those in distress.
Federal Communications Commission
25 years 2 months ago
The Commission modifies the restructuring plan adopted in the 218-219 MHz final rule document. The purpose of the modification is to remove a provision whereby an eligible licensee participating in the restructuring plan can obtain a seventy-percent credit on its down payment and forego, for a period of two years, eligibility to acquire the surrendered licenses. It was not the Commission's intent to adopt the seventy-percent credit and the intended effect is to correct the prior error.
Federal Communications Commission
25 years 2 months ago
This document establishes a Medical Implant Communications Service (MICS) operating in the 402-405 MHz band. MICS operations will consist of high-speed, ultra-low power, non-voice transmissions to and from implanted medical devices such as cardiac pacemakers and defibrillators. The rules will allow use of newly-developed, life- saving medical technology without harming other users of the frequency band.
Federal Communications Commission
25 years 4 months ago
This document modifies the regulations governing the licensing of the 218-219 MHz Service to maximize the efficient and effective use of the 218-219 MHz band. The Commission amends the rules to redesignate the 218-219 MHz Service from a strictly private radio service to a service that can be used in common carrier and private operations, extend the license term to ten years, adopt a ``substantial service'' analysis to replace the three-and five-year construction benchmarks, and permit partitioning and disaggregation of spectrum. Additionally, the Commission addresses the constitutional issues raised by Graceba Total Communications, Inc. that are before the Commission on remand from the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, together with similar issues raised by other commenters in the proceeding.
Federal Communications Commission
25 years 5 months ago
In this document the Commission disposes of several petitions for reconsideration and clarifies its licensing rules into a single set of rules for all wireless radio services. The Commission further establishes a streamlined set of rules that minimizes filing requirements; eliminates redundant, inconsistent, or unnecessary submission requirements; and assures ongoing collection of reliable licensing and ownership data.
Federal Communications Commission
25 years 5 months ago
This action revises the Amateur Radio Service rules applicable to Spread Spectrum (SS) emission types that an amateur station may transmit. The rule amendments are necessary so that amateur stations may transmit SS emission types that have been developed and become available since the original rules permitting amateur stations to transmit SS emission types were adopted in 1985. The effect of this action is to allow amateur stations greater flexibility in experimenting and communicating with SS emission types, to eliminate unnecessary restrictions in the amateur service rules and to simplify the rules applicable to stations that choose to transmit SS emission types.
Federal Communications Commission
25 years 5 months ago
This document extends the time to file reply comments on the Notice of Proposed Rule Making released on March 25, 1999. Reply comments were due on or before September 16, 1999. On September 10, 1999, the Commission released an order (DA 99-1861) that grants the Land Mobile Communications Council's ``Request for Extension of Time to File Reply Comments.'' The new deadline will be September 30, 1999.
Federal Communications Commission
25 years 5 months ago
This document seeks comment on potential terrestrial wireless and satellite policy initiatives to address the telecommunications needs of Indians living on tribal lands. The Commission has been instructed to help ensure that all Americans have access to affordable telecommunications services. Consistent with that mandate, the Commission seeks to secure for consumers living on tribal lands the same opportunities to take advantage of telecommunications capabilities that other Americans have. In addition, the Commission seeks comment on whether to extend these initiatives to consumers in other unserved areas.
Federal Communications Commission
25 years 7 months ago
This document proposes to amend the Commission's rules to allocate spectrum and to establish rules for a Wireless Medical Telemetry Service. This action is intended to allow potentially life- critical medical telemetry equipment, which currently operates on a secondary basis, unprotected from interference, to operate on a blanket licensed, interference protected basis. We believe our action will improve the reliability of this critical service.
Federal Communications Commission
25 years 7 months ago
This document supplements the Notice of Proposed Rule Making (``NPRM'') published in the Federal Register of May 3, 1999, regarding Revised Competitive Bidding Authority. This document requests comment on whether the Commission should amend its licensing rules for the 800 MHz band to allow the incorporation of Private Mobile Radio Service channels into a Commercial Mobile Radio Service system.
Federal Communications Commission
25 years 8 months ago
This document extends the time to file comments and reply comments on the Notice of Proposed Rule Making released on March 25, 1999, which deals with the Commission's revised competitive bidding authority under the Balanced Budget Act of 1997. Comments were due on or before July 2, 1999, and reply comments were due on or before August 2, 1999. On May 19, 1999, the Commission released an order (DA 99-950) that grants the Land Mobile Communications Council's ``Request for Extension of Time to File Comments.'' The new deadlines will be August 2, 1999 for comments and September 16, 1999 for reply comments.
Federal Communications Commission
25 years 9 months ago
This document corrects the heading to a Notice of Proposed Rule Making (``NPRM''), published in the Federal Register of May 3, 1999, regarding Revised Competitive Bidding Authority. This correction adds the Commission's file number, RM-9405, to the heading.
Federal Communications Commission
25 years 10 months ago
By this Notice of Proposed Rule Making (``NPRM''), the Commission commences a proceeding to implement changes to its statutory auction authority made by the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (``Balanced Budget Act''). The NPRM seeks comment on the scope of the Balanced Budget Act's exemption from competitive bidding for public safety radio services. The NPRM also seeks comment on how the Balanced Budget Act's revision of the Commission's auction authority affects its determinations of which wireless telecommunications services licenses are potentially auctionable and its determinations of the appropriate licensing scheme for new and existing services. The Commission also seeks comment on how to implement competitive bidding for services that it may determine are auctionable as a result of its revised authority. The Commission also solicits comment on some additional issues relating to the implementation of the Balanced Budget Act's amendments to its auction authority.
Federal Communications Commission
25 years 11 months ago
This action denies two petitions for reconsideration and clarifies that, within the Family Radio Service (``FRS'') rules, an antenna must be non-detachable to be an ``integral antenna''.
Federal Communications Commission
26 years ago
This document proposes to establish a Medical Implant Communications Service (``MICS'') operating in the 402-405 MHz band. MICS operations would consist of high-speed, ultra low power, nonvoice transmissions to and from implanted medical devices such as cardiac pacemakers and defibrillators. This document also proposes to allocate the 402-405 MHz band to the mobile service on a shared basis, designate this allocation for use by the MICS, and to amend the Commission's Rules to codify service rules for the MICS. The proposed rules will allow use of newly-developed, life-saving medical technology without harming other users of the frequency band.
Federal Communications Commission
26 years 2 months ago
In this document the Commission consolidates its licensing rules into a single set of rules for all wireless radio services. The Commission establishes a streamlined set of rules that minimizes filing requirements; eliminates redundant, inconsistent, or unnecessary submission requirements; and assures ongoing collection of reliable licensing and ownership data. The intended effect is to facilitate the development and use of the universal licensing system in the wireless telecommunications services.
, Federal Communications Commission