eLMS Application Type Codes

The following list are the codes that you see to the left of the dash on FCC file numbers on FCC.today as well as in the Facility Details section of FCCdata.org (for example L2C-0000049354 is a license to cover application where REN-0000049311 is a renewal).  This code list is based on the standardized codes used by the LMSBOT application tracking system and is not representative of all application type codes supported by eLMS.

If any of the following codes has an 'A' added to the end, then the application is an amendment(for example, MODA is an amendment to a previously filed minor modification to a licensed facility application.)  If any of the following codes has a 'W' added to the end (except 'CP', 'CPE' & 'CPL'), then the application is a withdrawal. 

317 Annual Ancillary/Supplemental Service Report
381 Schedule 381 Certification
399 Form 399
399X Form 399 Eligibility
ADM Administrative Update
AGN Assignment 
CNL Cancellation
CNV License to Convert
CON Notification of Consummation
CONN Notification of Non-Consummation
CONX Extension of Consummation 
CP Construction Permit application for new station (new booster, new auxiliary, new Alaska Class D, new full-service commercial FM station during post-auction, etc.)
CPE Construction Permit application for new NCE full-service station.
CPL Construction Permit application for a new LPFM station.
CSRC Call Sign Request (change of call sign)
CSRE Call Sign Request (exchange call sign with another station)
CSRI Call Sign Request (initial call sign request of new permittee)
CSRT Call Sign Request (call sign chosen for station after sale)
CTR Children's TV Programming Report
DIG Digital Notification
DIS Displacement Application
EEO Equal Opportunity Employment Program Report
ETO Equipment Test Operation Notification
EXT Extension of Construction Permit request
L2C License to Cover
MAJ Major modification to licensed facility
MAJP Major modification to construction permit
MDC MDCL Notification
ML Modification of License
ML3 Modification of License (ATSC 3 Next Gen)
MLS Modification of License (Channel Sharing)
MOD Minor modification of licensed facility
MST Change Control Point Location (formerly also used fror main studio)
OWR Ownership Report
PSC Primary Station Change
PTS Program Test Authority
REN Renewal of License
RES Resumption of Operations
RM Petition for Rulemaking to amend the FM Table of Allotments
RPN Reduced Power Notification
RST Restoral of Operations
RUL Rulemaking for community of license change for existing station
SIL Silent STA
STAE Engineering STA
STAL Legal Special Temporary Authority
STAX STA Extension
STAZ Experimental STA
SUS Suspension of Operations
TC Transfer of Control 
TOL Tolling
TPR Transition Plan Progress Report
WCP, WCPA, WCPE, WCPEA, WCPL, WCPLA Withdrawal of a Construction Permit application
WDR Withdrawal of application